Happy New Year 2009

Team Ebok Ala-Eh
would like to greet all of you

Merry Christmas

and a
Properous New Year!!!

May all our winning ways continue this 2009!!!

4 Stag derby For A Cause 2008

Some pictures taken on the day of the CAB 4-Stag derby held last September 30, 2008 at Ibaan Cockpit.

Team Walandyo @ Ara's house

Ryan and Doods @ Ara's house

Allison at Howell @ Ara's house

Voltes-5: Ryan, Doods, Ebok, Hou, Allison

Ebok, Doods, Ryan, Allison, Hou

Pang-diin ito!

The CAB members during the video taping of
Pilipinas Sabong Sports with Host Andre Garcia

Members being interviewed during the video taping

From the left:
Howell, Al, Doods, Ryan, Andre, Leo, Ebok, Toto

Stag Sparring 2008

Sweater-Mclean stag (light-colored) vs. Lemon84 bullstag
Part 1

Sweater-Mclean stag (light-colored) vs. Lemon84 bullstag
Part 2

Sweater-Mclean stag (dark-colored) vs. Sweater-Roundhead bullstag
Part 1

Sweater-Mclean stag (dark-colored) vs. Sweater-Roundhead bullstag
Part 2

Sweater-Radio stag vs. Sweater-Radio bullstag (with white wing feathers)

CAB 4-Stag Candidates

Pictures of the candidates for the CAB 4-stag derby on September 30, 2008.

Sweater - Mclean Hatch

Sweater-Mclean Hatch



Sweater-Doc Robinson Hatch

Boston RH - Col Givens Hatch


Stags 2008

Here are the pictures of our new stags for 2008

Sweater-Mclean stag

Sweater-Mclean stag

Stags on range

Pics after the rain

These pictures were taken on Saturday afternoon, June 21, 2008 after a heavy rain but a little before typhoon "Frank" hit Batangas City on the early Sunday morning.

Doc Robinson Hatch BC
(1x derby winner)

6-months bulik stag on the range

10-month old Sweater-Radio

Abello Sweater-Lemon

3x winner a.k.a. Bobby Doromal

Sweater-Roundhead bullstag

6-year old a.k.a. Ger
(3x derby winner)

Bacolod #1 bullstag

1x winner Hatch

the farm

Karachi-grey bullstag

Mclean Hatch bullstags

Mclean Hatch bullstag
(one of the fatalities of the typhoon "Frank")

Bamboo teepees

Stone teepees

10-month-old Sweater

Sweater bullstag

1x winner Sweater-Roundhead

Leiper Hatch bullstag

"Walang kaliskis" bullstag

BB Sweater broodcock

Sweater bullstag

Mclean Hatch bullstag
(one of the fatalities of the typhoon "Frank")

Bacolod #2 bullstag

1x winner High-Action Hatch

Ebok Buliks

These are our 2 bulik stags (close cousins) acquired from close friends. These stags will pitted this coming stag season.

December born stag

December born stag

December born stag

bulik stag (walang kaliskis)