Farm New Look

Here are the new pics of the new look of our farm. Hope you all enjoy it as we enjoy it.

The range area

Another look at the range area

In other view of the range area

View of the teepees from the range area

The colorful cemented teepees

Orange, yellow and green colors of the teepees

A pair of flypen from afar

On the otherside of the cording area

From another view of the cording area

The gradas / ruweda

The view from the outside

The newly built housing for the roosters/chicks/hens, etc.

A pair of scratchboxes

Selected pullets for next year's breeding season

March born chicks at the indoor range

Bakbakan Banding 2009

A total of 75 cockerels were banded for the upcoming stag derbies this 2009. Hope they will all grow healthy and strong and ready for battle come fight day.