LMP Batangas Chapter General Assembly

Here are some of the pictures taken last August 20, 2011 at the recently concluded 1st General Assembly Meeting of LMP Batangas Chapter members held at the LMP Batangas Chapter Office @ Alangilan Batangas City. Currently, LMP Batangas Chapter has 61 registered members and had banded a total of 2914 stags/cockerels for this year's stag derby season.

Members lining up for the distribution of fowl cholera vaccines to be given to brood materials to be used this coming breeding season.

Doc Ronald discusses what fowl cholera vaccine is all about.

LMP National President Doc Ronald Salgado addresses the Batangas Chapter members during the assembly.

Picture of members who attended the meeting

LMP Batangas Chapter Head Doc Rod Bautista gives his opening remarks.

From Left: Tibayan, Mario, Apol, Doc Ronald, Bobot Bonifacio (LMP National Banding Chairman), Ebok, Eric Canonizado (LMP National Vice-President), Doc Rod

SJC Pahabol sa Taglugon 4-Cock Derby

July 30, 2011

Win against Father & Son entry of Jet Fernando

Loss against Red Baron Pangga entry of Ditchella Bros

Win against EMF Farm Sept 13 4-Stag DMCA entry

Loss against Baras entry